Invasion profile for the tumour cells necessitates also having a decrease in the recognition rate, embedded in the parameters ki+ . These parameters also differentially shape the spatial distribution of the various classes of tumour cells.Concerning the possible chemorepulsion of CTLs, our computational simulation results showed that, in our biological PF-04418948 cost settings, although it does not affect the spatiotemporal dynamics of the total number of tumour cells, it has a remarkable influence on the spatio-temporal distribution of the different individual classes of tumour cells. Further analysis is needed to ascertain if, with different parameters, the effect of this factor can be different, and in order to understand the behaviour in the current setting. As far as the key `immuno-evasion-related’ parameters such as i , pi , and ki+ are concerned, we were not able to fit them with experimental data (apart, of course, from the + values for p0 and k0 , from [13,16]) because in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, immuno-evasion of tumours is only illustrated by means of qualitative clinical or molecular experimental findings. In particular, no immuno-evasion-related tumour growth data are available. Indeed, a complete experimental kinetic study of the adaptive evasion from tumour dormancy allowing, for example, the plotting of tumour growth curves would currently be very difficult to undertake. Thus we hope that this theoretical work may contribute to triggering such experimental investigations, which would allow us to validate our model.Al-Tameemi et al. Biology Direct 2012, 7:31 14 ofFrom a theoretical point of view, our model, although detailed and focused on a very specific aspect of immunooncology, and on some very specific mechanisms, is conceptually in line with the general theories by Bellomo [36,37,41], who considers tumour cells and immune system effector cells as “active particles” endowed with activities and properties. Indeed, also in this paper the changes of activities of cells upon encounters between tumour cells and effector cells of the immune system are central in determining the dynamics of the system. To the best of our knowledge, the evolutionary nature of the immuno-editing process has been studied until now under the framework of the so-called “modern synthesis”, following which the environment (in our case the immune system) is not the “causative agency” [47] but a mere selective force promoting fixation of adaptive genomic changes [47]. In the case of immunoevasion, a lowly immunogenic clone may appear PubMed ID: spontaneously due to the large random mutation rate of tumour cells. This new phenotype is then involuntarily selected by the immune system, which kills the other phenotypes that remain strongly immunogenic. Thus the sculpting of tumour cells phenotypes [9] mentioned in the introduction, is involuntary, passive. On the contrary, in our model the more immunoresistant phenotypes may arise because of genetic or epigenetic causes – due to the interaction between the tumour cells and the immune system. This point of view, which is quasi-Larmackian [47], is in line with a number of recent discoveries that are leading to a new theory of “extended evolutionary synthesis” [48], which indeed investigates the impact of both genetic and epigenetic inheritance on evolutionary phenomena in order to decipher the complex interplay between genotypes, epigenotypes, phenotypes and envir.