Onships between bFGF levels and the antiproliferation effect of paclitaxel (measured
Onships between bFGF levels and the antiproliferation effect of paclitaxel (measured as EMAX and IC30) were analyzed using SAS. p-values indicate probability associated with r2. The 95 confidence interval (95 CI) around r2 is approximated as described previously [22].Antiproliferation effect of paclitaxel r2 EMAX Image Analysis Visual scoring IC30 Image Analysis Visual scoringRelationship between bFGF level and chemosensitivity p-value 95 CI around r0.208 0.094 0.317 0.< 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0.074?.370 ?0.011?.236 ?0.160?.478* 0.007?.222*?The r2 for image analysis showed a trend of being higher than the r2 for pathological scoring (p = 0.11). * The r2 for image analysis (0.317) were outside the 95 CI for pathological scoring (0.007?.222), indicating a statistically significant improvement in correlation using image analysis (p < 0.05).the antiproliferation effect of paclitaxel (Figures 3 and 4). No relationship was observed between bFGF levels and maximum apoptotic index (data not shown).Effects of tumor pathobiological parameters on the relationship between bFGF level and paclitaxel sensitivity The tumor pathobiological data of patient tumors were obtained from our previous report [20]. Analysis of the relationship between bFGF level and tumor sensitivity to the antiproliferation effect in tumor subgroups revealed significantly better correlations (i.e., higher r2 values) in stage III-IV, p53-positive and aFGF-negative tumors, and tumors with higher-than-median bFGF level (Figures 3 and 4), compared to low stage (I-II), p53-negative, aFGFpositive, and low bFGF tumors. The median bFGF level was 9.8 pg/mg protein. No differences were observed for the other pathobiological parameters (i.e., high or low grade, high or low levels of p-glycoprotein or Bcl-2).findings using the conventional, visual scoring method. However, while both methods yielded the same finding of an inverse correlation between bFGF level and tumor sensitivity PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28878015 to the antiproliferation effect of paclitaxel, the image analysis method provided more robust data and presented several additional advantages, as follows. The visual scoring method was semi-quantitative and based on the differential staining intensity at three different antibody concentrations. For example, a tumor AviptadilMedChemExpress Aviptadil showing no staining at the highest antibody concentration was scored as negative, a tumor showing positive staining at different antibody concentrations were scored as one, two or three pluses. In comparison, the current method required using a single antibody dilution, and, because the quantitative image analysis results were based on the results obtained from simultaneously stained standard curve samples, was not subjected to or affected by interday variability in staining intensity. Furthermore, the image analysis method applied the same analysis parameters to all samples and therefore minimized the potential operator bias. The image analysis method, by measuring bFGF levels in individual tumors, provided values for each of the 87 tumors. In comparison, the visual examination results provided readings of relative intensity which provided only 4 scores (negative and three scores of positive staining). This, in turn, enabled the analysis of the relationship between bFGF level and tumor sensitivity to the antiproliferation effect of paclitaxel in subgroups of tumors with different pathobiological properties; the results show better correlations in four pathobiological subgroups (late stages,.