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550 nm, CIGS solar cells with A-ZnO window layers exhibited a larger
550 nm, CIGS solar cells with A-ZnO window layers exhibited a larger EQE, confirming the effect of their wider band gap. Additionally, the EQE decreased with increasing ALD cycles, confirming that layer thickness impacts light absorption loss. Although the spectra of A-ZnO and sputtered i-ZnO films varied differently at wavelengths over 550 nm, the typical EQE of both types of thin film was related in this variety, indicating that ALD is most powerful in enhancing the light absorption loss of CIGS solar cells inside the short-BSJ-01-175 manufacturer wavelength region. The higher values of EQE for wavelengths below 550 nm thus contribute to the increased JSC of CIGS solar cells with A-ZnO window layers. Similarly, the modified electrical properties on the A-ZnO thin films can clarify the improvement inside the VOC of CIGS solar cells with such coatings. A comparison on the electrical properties of the A-ZnO and sputtered i-ZnO thin films from the Hall measurement is included in Table two. The A-ZnO films exhibited greater conductivities, reduced resistivities, and larger carrier concentrations than the sputtered i-ZnO film, attributes which can be constant with their well-known similarity to weak n-type semiconductors [20]. The larger VOC of CIGS solar cells with A-ZnO window layers can thus be explained by the further buffering impact supplied by the weak n-type semiconductor layer. By infiltrating the voidNanomaterials 2021, 11,8 ofregion with the CdS buffer layer, the A-ZnO thin film can function as a secondary buffer layer, facilitating smooth carrier transport. Sputtered i-ZnO window layers are unable to function in this way, explaining the improved VOC observed with A-ZnO thin films.Figure six. External quantum efficiency (EQE) of CIGS solar cells with i-ZnO and A-ZnO window layers with various thickness in (a) the complete wavelength range (300100 nm), as well as the (b) shortwavelength area ( 32000 nm). Table 2. Electrical properties of sputtered i-ZnO and A-ZnO thin films. Icosabutate Cancer Mobility (cm2 /V ) Sputtered i-ZnO A-ZnO 14.77 12.99 Conductivity (1/ m) 7.684 10-6 14.59 Resistivity ( m) 1.301 105 six.852 10-2 Carrier Concentration (cm-3 )-3.247 1012 -7.015 four. Conclusions Within this study, we substituted the conventionally sputtered i-ZnO window layers in CIGS solar cells with A-ZnO thin films. Our characterization highlighted that devices applying the latter material exhibited superior photovoltaic overall performance to these utilizing the former. We also demonstrated that ultrathin A-ZnO films ( 12 nm) acted suitably well because the window layer of CIGS solar cells, because the ALD method enabled uniform conformal coating with the CdS buffer layer. The CIGS solar cell utilizing an ultrathin A-ZnO window layer showed larger values of efficiency (14.578 ), VOC (0.68862 V), JSC (28.9264 mAcm- 2 ), and FF (73.1868 ) than the CIGS solar cell employing a sputtered i-ZnO. The enhanced performance of CIGS solar cells with A-ZnO window layers can be explained by enhancements to their JSC (from 27.3669 to 28.9264 mAcm-2 ) and VOC (from 0.64068 to 0.68862 V). These enhancements outcome from the modified optical and electrical properties from the window layer, brought on by the ALD process’ creation of a ZnO film with a additional uniform structure. The enhancement of your JSC of those CIGS solar cells was triggered by their improved light absorption loss, resulting from the fabrication of a thin film having a wider band gap, along with the ability to employ thinner ZnO films within the window layer employing ALD. Also, we observed that the electrical pr.

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