Dicative of the connection between the anomalous pattern of communication and the occurrence of the Lake Kivu earthquakes. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gPLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449 March 25,6 /Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population BehaviorFig 3. Sites with unusually low behavior on February 3, 2008. The green cross marks the location of the epicenters of the Lake Kivu earthquakes, while the two green circles mark the 25 and 50 km areas around the epicenters. One site recorded unusually high call volume and movement frequency, and one additional site recorded unusually high call volume. Both sites belong to the same spatial cluster, and are located relatively far from the approximate Belinostat price locations of the earthquakes epicenters. The anomalous pattern of communications at these two sites could be caused by some other event, possibly unrelated with the Lake Kivu earthquakes. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gPLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449 March 25,7 /Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population BehaviorFig 4. Call volume for site 361. Calling behavior of the people who made at least one call from at least one cellular tower located in site 361 between January 24, 2008 (10 days before the Lake Kivu earthquakes) and February 13, 2008 (10 days after the Lake Kivu earthquakes). The SP600125 dose side-by-side boxplots represent the distribution of the number of calls made by these people in each of the 21 days. The squares indicate the total number of calls made in site 361 in each of the 21 days. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gFig 5. Movement frequency for site 361. Mobility behavior of the people who made at least one call from at least one cellular towers located in site 361 between January 24, 2008 (10 days before the Lake Kivu earthquakes) and February 13, 2008 (10 days after the Lake Kivu earthquakes). The side-by-side boxplots represent the distribution of the movement frequency of these people on each of the 21 days. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gPLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449 March 25,8 /Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population Behaviorcompared to before. Thus it is the brief period of time during and just after an emergency event when we expect to find the largest changes in reactionary behaviors, and it is the longer preevent and post-event disaster periods to which we must compare. Second, in addition to emergency events, planned non-emergency events occur often and these can disrupt routine behavioral patterns as well. [15] find dramatic changes in call frequency in response to festivals and concerts, and it is likely that other events, including holidays, will also produce changes. The period of time in which we can expect to find the largest change in reactionary response to a planned event (in contrast to unplanned events) could include the immediate pre-event period, the event itself, and the immediate post-event period. If our goal is to identify emergency events using changes in behavioral patterns, we must also identify, and separate, non-emergency events that could also produce behavioral changes. Third, it is possible that there is more than one emergency or non-emergency event in a single day. Different events could influence people in a small area, in a region, or even across a whole country. An effective event identification system must be able to identify when behavioral patterns suggest a single localized event, multiple localized events, or a single.Dicative of the connection between the anomalous pattern of communication and the occurrence of the Lake Kivu earthquakes. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gPLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449 March 25,6 /Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population BehaviorFig 3. Sites with unusually low behavior on February 3, 2008. The green cross marks the location of the epicenters of the Lake Kivu earthquakes, while the two green circles mark the 25 and 50 km areas around the epicenters. One site recorded unusually high call volume and movement frequency, and one additional site recorded unusually high call volume. Both sites belong to the same spatial cluster, and are located relatively far from the approximate locations of the earthquakes epicenters. The anomalous pattern of communications at these two sites could be caused by some other event, possibly unrelated with the Lake Kivu earthquakes. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gPLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449 March 25,7 /Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population BehaviorFig 4. Call volume for site 361. Calling behavior of the people who made at least one call from at least one cellular tower located in site 361 between January 24, 2008 (10 days before the Lake Kivu earthquakes) and February 13, 2008 (10 days after the Lake Kivu earthquakes). The side-by-side boxplots represent the distribution of the number of calls made by these people in each of the 21 days. The squares indicate the total number of calls made in site 361 in each of the 21 days. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gFig 5. Movement frequency for site 361. Mobility behavior of the people who made at least one call from at least one cellular towers located in site 361 between January 24, 2008 (10 days before the Lake Kivu earthquakes) and February 13, 2008 (10 days after the Lake Kivu earthquakes). The side-by-side boxplots represent the distribution of the movement frequency of these people on each of the 21 days. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449.gPLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0120449 March 25,8 /Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population Behaviorcompared to before. Thus it is the brief period of time during and just after an emergency event when we expect to find the largest changes in reactionary behaviors, and it is the longer preevent and post-event disaster periods to which we must compare. Second, in addition to emergency events, planned non-emergency events occur often and these can disrupt routine behavioral patterns as well. [15] find dramatic changes in call frequency in response to festivals and concerts, and it is likely that other events, including holidays, will also produce changes. The period of time in which we can expect to find the largest change in reactionary response to a planned event (in contrast to unplanned events) could include the immediate pre-event period, the event itself, and the immediate post-event period. If our goal is to identify emergency events using changes in behavioral patterns, we must also identify, and separate, non-emergency events that could also produce behavioral changes. Third, it is possible that there is more than one emergency or non-emergency event in a single day. Different events could influence people in a small area, in a region, or even across a whole country. An effective event identification system must be able to identify when behavioral patterns suggest a single localized event, multiple localized events, or a single.