E level of serum Klotho might therefore reflect increased purchase RXDX-101 phosphate excretion from the kidneys, which is one of the characteristics of disordered mineral metabolism observed in CKD patients. To date, several markers have been utilized to assess cardiovascular dysfunction in CKD patients, including FMD, baPWV, IMT and ACI [40,41,42,43,44]. In the current study, we demonstrated that the level of serum Klotho is an independent determinant of arterial order EPZ-5676 stiffness only defined as baPWV 1400 cm/s, even after adjusting for age, gender, meanA multivariate analysis of the determinants of signs of vascular dysfunction, including arterial stiffness, in CKD patientsSeparate multiple logistic regression models for markers of various signs of vascular dysfunction were analyzed (Table 2 and Table S1, S2, S3). After adjusting for age, gender, mean blood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs, drinking and current smoking, the serum Klotho level was found to be a significantly independent predictor of baPWV 1400 cm/sec in a metabolic model that included non-HDL cholesterol, use of antihyperlipidemic agents, hemoglobin A1c and use of antidiabetic agents as other parameters (Table 2, upper panel). The serum Klotho level was also found to be a significantly independent predictor of baPWV 1400 cm/sec in a CKD model that included eGFR, albuminuria and hemoglobin as other parameters (Table 2, middle panel) and a CKD-MBD model that included serum calcium, phosphate, intact PTH, 1,25D and FGF23 as other parameters (Table 2, lower panel). We performed the same analysis using multiple logistic regression models of the serum Klotho level as a predictor of FMD 6.0 , max IMT 1.1 mm and ACI.0 ; however, the serum Klotho level was not found to be a significant predictor of any of these parameters (Table S1, S2, S3, respectively). Next, a multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of serum Klotho on arterial stiffness assessed by baPWV in CKD patients. This model includes candidate predictors that were selected based on Table 2.Soluble Klotho and Arterial Stiffness in CKDFigure 1. Correlation between the serum Klotho levels (pg/mL) and various parameters. The relationships between the serum Klotho levels and patient age (years) (A), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (mL/min/1.73 m2) (B) and markers of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD), including 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D) (pg/mL) (C), log intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) (pg/mL) (D), fractional excretion of phosphate (FEPi) ( ) (E) and fractional excretion of calcium (FECa) ( ) (F) are shown. The serum Klotho levels were inversely 1317923 correlated with age and positively correlated with eGFR (A, B). Regarding CKD-MBD markers, the serum Klotho levels were significantly correlated with 1,25D and negatively correlated with log intact PTH and FEPi; however, no significant correlation was observed with FECa (C ). (A ) N = 114. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056695.gblood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs, drinking and smoking. In addition, serum Klotho was also a significant predictor of arterial stiffness in the full model including confounders such as age, MBP, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, eGFR, albuminuria, phosphate, PTH, 1,25D and FGF23, and the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for serum Klotho (per 100 pg/mL increase) was 0.60 (95 CI: 0.39 to 0.98; p = 0.0075). There have been some reports discussing the associations between baPWV and CKD-MBD paramete.E level of serum Klotho might therefore reflect increased phosphate excretion from the kidneys, which is one of the characteristics of disordered mineral metabolism observed in CKD patients. To date, several markers have been utilized to assess cardiovascular dysfunction in CKD patients, including FMD, baPWV, IMT and ACI [40,41,42,43,44]. In the current study, we demonstrated that the level of serum Klotho is an independent determinant of arterial stiffness only defined as baPWV 1400 cm/s, even after adjusting for age, gender, meanA multivariate analysis of the determinants of signs of vascular dysfunction, including arterial stiffness, in CKD patientsSeparate multiple logistic regression models for markers of various signs of vascular dysfunction were analyzed (Table 2 and Table S1, S2, S3). After adjusting for age, gender, mean blood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs, drinking and current smoking, the serum Klotho level was found to be a significantly independent predictor of baPWV 1400 cm/sec in a metabolic model that included non-HDL cholesterol, use of antihyperlipidemic agents, hemoglobin A1c and use of antidiabetic agents as other parameters (Table 2, upper panel). The serum Klotho level was also found to be a significantly independent predictor of baPWV 1400 cm/sec in a CKD model that included eGFR, albuminuria and hemoglobin as other parameters (Table 2, middle panel) and a CKD-MBD model that included serum calcium, phosphate, intact PTH, 1,25D and FGF23 as other parameters (Table 2, lower panel). We performed the same analysis using multiple logistic regression models of the serum Klotho level as a predictor of FMD 6.0 , max IMT 1.1 mm and ACI.0 ; however, the serum Klotho level was not found to be a significant predictor of any of these parameters (Table S1, S2, S3, respectively). Next, a multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of serum Klotho on arterial stiffness assessed by baPWV in CKD patients. This model includes candidate predictors that were selected based on Table 2.Soluble Klotho and Arterial Stiffness in CKDFigure 1. Correlation between the serum Klotho levels (pg/mL) and various parameters. The relationships between the serum Klotho levels and patient age (years) (A), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (mL/min/1.73 m2) (B) and markers of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD), including 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D) (pg/mL) (C), log intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) (pg/mL) (D), fractional excretion of phosphate (FEPi) ( ) (E) and fractional excretion of calcium (FECa) ( ) (F) are shown. The serum Klotho levels were inversely 1317923 correlated with age and positively correlated with eGFR (A, B). Regarding CKD-MBD markers, the serum Klotho levels were significantly correlated with 1,25D and negatively correlated with log intact PTH and FEPi; however, no significant correlation was observed with FECa (C ). (A ) N = 114. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056695.gblood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs, drinking and smoking. In addition, serum Klotho was also a significant predictor of arterial stiffness in the full model including confounders such as age, MBP, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, eGFR, albuminuria, phosphate, PTH, 1,25D and FGF23, and the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for serum Klotho (per 100 pg/mL increase) was 0.60 (95 CI: 0.39 to 0.98; p = 0.0075). There have been some reports discussing the associations between baPWV and CKD-MBD paramete.