TranscriptsSplicing of the GT into the Uso1 mRNA was confirmed by RTPCR using the sequence tag information provided by the International Gene Trap Consortium. Briefly, total RNA was extracted from Licochalcone A primary skin fibroblasts cultures of heterozygous GT mice using Trizol following the manufacturer’s recommendation (Invitrogen). Two mg of total RNA was reverse transcribed using a combination of oligo dT and random hexamers (Advantage RT-PCR kit, Clontech). Transcript containing the spliced GT allele was detected by PCR using a GT vector-specific reverse primer (59-AGTATCGGCCTCAGGAAGATCG-39) in combination with a forward primer in Uso1 exon 10 (59TTGTGCGGGTACTGGTATCTCCCAC-39) for AW0562 and in Uso1 exon 12 (59GTGCCGTGCTCTCTGTTTCCGTG-39) for YTA025. Wildtype allele transcript was detected by PCR using the aforementioned forward primers in combination with a reverse primer located in Uso1 exon 13 (59-CATAAGCCTTGGACCAACTGCTCTTC-39). 36 cycles of PCR were performed using Platinum Taq polymerase (Invitrogen), an annealing temperature of 60uC, and an extension time of 2 minutes.Genotyping mice for the Uso1 GT and wild-type allelesGenotyping primers for the GT and wild-type alleles were designed after the specific insertion site of each GT was determined. Insertion sites were identified by performing long range PCR with a forward primer in the Uso1 exon immediately upstream of the spliced GT exon, and a reverse primer (59GGAACAGGTATTCGCTGGTCACTTC-39) contained within the GT vector. The forward primer for AW0562 line was in exon 10 (59-TTGTGCGGGTACTGGTATCTCCCAC-39 and the forward primer for the Sapropterin (dihydrochloride) YTA025 line was in exon 12 (59GTGCCGTGCTCTACTGTTTCCAGTG-39). Thirty-six cycles of PCR were performed using 500 ng of genomic DNA as template with Pfu Ultra polymerase (Applied Biosystems) at an annealing temperature of 60uC and an extension time of 7 minutes. Resulting amplimers were cloned using the TOPOZero-Blunt kit (Invitrogen) and Sanger sequenced. Sequence information regarding the genomic DNA insertion site was then used to design new reverse primers, that when coupled with the original forward primer for each gene-trap line would generate PCR amplimers that were reliable for genotyping. The new reverse primer for the AW0562 GT allele was (59TACCAGACTCTCCCATCCACTACTC-39) and for the YTA025 GT allele was (59-CTAGAGTCCAGATCTGCGATAACTTC-39). Reverse primers located downstream of 15857111 each GT insertion site (59-TCTGAAATAACTCAAGGTGGTTTGC39 for AW0562, and 59-GTTACCTGTTGCTGCAAGCAGACAG-39 for YTA025) were used to amplify the wild-type Uso1 allele. A 60uC or 55uC annealing temperature was used when genotyping the AW0562 or YTA025 mice, respectively.Figure 2. The Uso1 gene trap allele does not produce a functional polypeptide. A) Photomicrographs of X-GAL stained 24786787 HEK293T cells that had been transiently transfected with the Betagalactosidase expression vector pSV40-LacZ (positive control) and XGAL stained primary skin fibroblasts from wild-type, heterozygous (HET) AW0562 GT, and HET YTA025 GT mice. No X-GAL staining was observed in WT or heterozygous GT fibroblasts. B) Immunoblots of SDS-PAGE separated cell lysate extracted from wild-type, HET AW0562 GT and HET YTA025 GT fibroblasts. Left panel: an anti-USO1 antibody whose epitope is amino-terminal (N-term.) to the site of the USO1-Beta-Geo fusion detects full-length USO1 protein (arrow) in all lysates. No unique band representing a USO1-Beta-Geo fusion protein is observed in either heterozygous GT fibroblast lysate,.TranscriptsSplicing of the GT into the Uso1 mRNA was confirmed by RTPCR using the sequence tag information provided by the International Gene Trap Consortium. Briefly, total RNA was extracted from primary skin fibroblasts cultures of heterozygous GT mice using Trizol following the manufacturer’s recommendation (Invitrogen). Two mg of total RNA was reverse transcribed using a combination of oligo dT and random hexamers (Advantage RT-PCR kit, Clontech). Transcript containing the spliced GT allele was detected by PCR using a GT vector-specific reverse primer (59-AGTATCGGCCTCAGGAAGATCG-39) in combination with a forward primer in Uso1 exon 10 (59TTGTGCGGGTACTGGTATCTCCCAC-39) for AW0562 and in Uso1 exon 12 (59GTGCCGTGCTCTCTGTTTCCGTG-39) for YTA025. Wildtype allele transcript was detected by PCR using the aforementioned forward primers in combination with a reverse primer located in Uso1 exon 13 (59-CATAAGCCTTGGACCAACTGCTCTTC-39). 36 cycles of PCR were performed using Platinum Taq polymerase (Invitrogen), an annealing temperature of 60uC, and an extension time of 2 minutes.Genotyping mice for the Uso1 GT and wild-type allelesGenotyping primers for the GT and wild-type alleles were designed after the specific insertion site of each GT was determined. Insertion sites were identified by performing long range PCR with a forward primer in the Uso1 exon immediately upstream of the spliced GT exon, and a reverse primer (59GGAACAGGTATTCGCTGGTCACTTC-39) contained within the GT vector. The forward primer for AW0562 line was in exon 10 (59-TTGTGCGGGTACTGGTATCTCCCAC-39 and the forward primer for the YTA025 line was in exon 12 (59GTGCCGTGCTCTACTGTTTCCAGTG-39). Thirty-six cycles of PCR were performed using 500 ng of genomic DNA as template with Pfu Ultra polymerase (Applied Biosystems) at an annealing temperature of 60uC and an extension time of 7 minutes. Resulting amplimers were cloned using the TOPOZero-Blunt kit (Invitrogen) and Sanger sequenced. Sequence information regarding the genomic DNA insertion site was then used to design new reverse primers, that when coupled with the original forward primer for each gene-trap line would generate PCR amplimers that were reliable for genotyping. The new reverse primer for the AW0562 GT allele was (59TACCAGACTCTCCCATCCACTACTC-39) and for the YTA025 GT allele was (59-CTAGAGTCCAGATCTGCGATAACTTC-39). Reverse primers located downstream of 15857111 each GT insertion site (59-TCTGAAATAACTCAAGGTGGTTTGC39 for AW0562, and 59-GTTACCTGTTGCTGCAAGCAGACAG-39 for YTA025) were used to amplify the wild-type Uso1 allele. A 60uC or 55uC annealing temperature was used when genotyping the AW0562 or YTA025 mice, respectively.Figure 2. The Uso1 gene trap allele does not produce a functional polypeptide. A) Photomicrographs of X-GAL stained 24786787 HEK293T cells that had been transiently transfected with the Betagalactosidase expression vector pSV40-LacZ (positive control) and XGAL stained primary skin fibroblasts from wild-type, heterozygous (HET) AW0562 GT, and HET YTA025 GT mice. No X-GAL staining was observed in WT or heterozygous GT fibroblasts. B) Immunoblots of SDS-PAGE separated cell lysate extracted from wild-type, HET AW0562 GT and HET YTA025 GT fibroblasts. Left panel: an anti-USO1 antibody whose epitope is amino-terminal (N-term.) to the site of the USO1-Beta-Geo fusion detects full-length USO1 protein (arrow) in all lysates. No unique band representing a USO1-Beta-Geo fusion protein is observed in either heterozygous GT fibroblast lysate,.