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He Uso1 exons upstream and downstream of the GT are shaded grey. These are exons 10 and 11 for AW0562 and exons 12 and 13 for YTA025. The GT contains intron 1 and a strong splice acceptor (SA) from the engrailed locus (En2-intron1-SA), coding sequence for Beta-Geo, and a poly-A (pA) addition site. Sites that can be used for Cre-mediated (Lox71 and LoxP) and Flpe-mediated recombination (Frt) are also contained within the GT. Primer pairs used for RT-PCR and genotyping are numbered and color-coded and their approximate locations within the exon, intron, or GT vector are indicated. B) Genotyping of agouti offspring from chimeric males generated using AW0562 and YTA025 ES cells. Pups carrying the GT allele were identified by PCR amplification of a fragment of the Beta-Geo cassette (primer pair 1 ?2, green). C) RT-PCR confirming splicing of the GT to the Uso1 gene in both cell lines (black primer pairs). RNA was extracted from Eledoisin chemical information primary skin fibroblasts established from wild-type (WT) and GT heterozygous (HET) mice. Top left panel: AW0562 wild-type (WT) allele, primer pair 3 ?5. Bottom left panel: AW0562 GT allele, primer pair 3 ?4. Top right panel: YTA025 WT allele, primer pair 3 ?5. Bottom right panel: YTA025 GT allele, primer pair 3 ?4. D) Genotyping of offspring from matings between wild type mice and AW0562 or YTA025 GT heterozygous mice confirming the insertion of the GT in the introns immediately following the trapped Uso1 exons. Top left panel: AW0562 WT allele, primer pair 6 ?8 (red). Bottom left panel: AW0562 GT allele, primer pair 6 ?7 (red). Top right panel: YTA025 WT allele, primer pair 9 ?11 (orange). Bottom right panel: YTA025 GT allele, primer pair 9 ?10 (orange). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050530.gMaterials and Methods Generation of USO1 deficient Human parathyroid hormone-(1-34) site miceThis study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use ofLaboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. All animal experiments were completed under a protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Children’s Hospital Boston (Animal Welfare Assurance number: A3303-01).USO1 Inactivation in the MouseTwo Uso1 GT ES cell lines, YTA025 (BayGenomics) and AW0562 (The Sanger Gene Trap Resources) were identified using the database of the International Gene Trap Consortium (www. and obtained from the Mutant Mouse 15857111 Regional Resource Center ( ES cells were injected into 129SvE blastocysts by the Mouse Gene Manipulation Core of Boston Children’s Hospital. Chimeric founder males were bred to wild-type C57BL/6 females (Jackson laboratories) and germline transmission was assessed by coat color. To confirm transmission of the Uso1 GT allele, agouti offspring were genotyped by PCR 24786787 for presence of the Beta-Geo selection cassette within the GT. GT heterozygous mice were maintained on a mixed 129SvE and C57BL/6 background.Primary skin fibroblast culturesNewborn pups from a heterozygous Uso1 GT mating were euthanized and skinned. The skin was washed in PBS and diced into small pieces. Skin fragments were placed in 6-well plates and dried for 30 minutes to allow the skin to attach to the plastic. The adherent fragments were then cultured in 0.5 ml of DMEM/10 FBS. Primary skin fibroblast outgrowths were observed 5? days after plating. When the primary cultures reached 50 confluency, cells were trypsinized and transferred to a 25 cm2 flask for expansion.Identification of Uso1-gene trap mRNA.He Uso1 exons upstream and downstream of the GT are shaded grey. These are exons 10 and 11 for AW0562 and exons 12 and 13 for YTA025. The GT contains intron 1 and a strong splice acceptor (SA) from the engrailed locus (En2-intron1-SA), coding sequence for Beta-Geo, and a poly-A (pA) addition site. Sites that can be used for Cre-mediated (Lox71 and LoxP) and Flpe-mediated recombination (Frt) are also contained within the GT. Primer pairs used for RT-PCR and genotyping are numbered and color-coded and their approximate locations within the exon, intron, or GT vector are indicated. B) Genotyping of agouti offspring from chimeric males generated using AW0562 and YTA025 ES cells. Pups carrying the GT allele were identified by PCR amplification of a fragment of the Beta-Geo cassette (primer pair 1 ?2, green). C) RT-PCR confirming splicing of the GT to the Uso1 gene in both cell lines (black primer pairs). RNA was extracted from primary skin fibroblasts established from wild-type (WT) and GT heterozygous (HET) mice. Top left panel: AW0562 wild-type (WT) allele, primer pair 3 ?5. Bottom left panel: AW0562 GT allele, primer pair 3 ?4. Top right panel: YTA025 WT allele, primer pair 3 ?5. Bottom right panel: YTA025 GT allele, primer pair 3 ?4. D) Genotyping of offspring from matings between wild type mice and AW0562 or YTA025 GT heterozygous mice confirming the insertion of the GT in the introns immediately following the trapped Uso1 exons. Top left panel: AW0562 WT allele, primer pair 6 ?8 (red). Bottom left panel: AW0562 GT allele, primer pair 6 ?7 (red). Top right panel: YTA025 WT allele, primer pair 9 ?11 (orange). Bottom right panel: YTA025 GT allele, primer pair 9 ?10 (orange). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050530.gMaterials and Methods Generation of USO1 deficient miceThis study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use ofLaboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. All animal experiments were completed under a protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Children’s Hospital Boston (Animal Welfare Assurance number: A3303-01).USO1 Inactivation in the MouseTwo Uso1 GT ES cell lines, YTA025 (BayGenomics) and AW0562 (The Sanger Gene Trap Resources) were identified using the database of the International Gene Trap Consortium (www. and obtained from the Mutant Mouse 15857111 Regional Resource Center ( ES cells were injected into 129SvE blastocysts by the Mouse Gene Manipulation Core of Boston Children’s Hospital. Chimeric founder males were bred to wild-type C57BL/6 females (Jackson laboratories) and germline transmission was assessed by coat color. To confirm transmission of the Uso1 GT allele, agouti offspring were genotyped by PCR 24786787 for presence of the Beta-Geo selection cassette within the GT. GT heterozygous mice were maintained on a mixed 129SvE and C57BL/6 background.Primary skin fibroblast culturesNewborn pups from a heterozygous Uso1 GT mating were euthanized and skinned. The skin was washed in PBS and diced into small pieces. Skin fragments were placed in 6-well plates and dried for 30 minutes to allow the skin to attach to the plastic. The adherent fragments were then cultured in 0.5 ml of DMEM/10 FBS. Primary skin fibroblast outgrowths were observed 5? days after plating. When the primary cultures reached 50 confluency, cells were trypsinized and transferred to a 25 cm2 flask for expansion.Identification of Uso1-gene trap mRNA.

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