Positioned inside a specific 452 bp sequence (GenBank accession number AF188110)present in a single copy in the genome. The forward and reverse primers amplified a 138 bp fragment. The fluorescent TaqMan probe was labelled at the 59 end with 6-carboxy-fluorescine (FAM) reporter dye and at the 39 end with the black hole quencher 1 dye (BHQ-1). For the mouse Taqman assay, the target was the Homatropine (methylbromide) web betaactin gene (GenBank accession number AC144818), a single-copynumber housekeeping gene. The forward (59-AGGCCAACCGTGAAAAGATG-39) and reverse (59-CTGAGAAGCTGGCCAAAGAGA-39) primers were designed to amplify a 68-pb fragment. The fluorescent TaqMan probe (59-CCCAGGTCAGTATCCCGGGTAACCC-39) was labelled at the 59 end with hexachloro-6-carboxy-fluorescein (HEX) reporter dye and at the 39 end with the BHQ-1 quencher dye. Each amplification was performed in a 25-ml reaction mixture that contained 16 iQTM Supermix (Bio-Rad, France), 400 nM of each Cryptosporidium primer or 200 nM of each actin primer, 100 nM of the Cryptosporidium probe or 50 nM of the beta-actin probe and 5 ml of DNA sample. 15481974 The qPCR reactions were performed on a Rotor-Gene 6000 instrument (Corbett Research, Qiagen, France) and included an initial denaturation at 95uC for 15 min followed by 49 cycles of denaturation at 95uC during 15 s and annealing/extension at 60uC during 1 min. Fluorescence acquisition was done immediately following each annealing/ extension step. All samples were measured in triplicate in each assay and negative controls without template were included in each PCR run. In order to circumvent the effect of PCR inhibitors, each DNA extract was tested pure or diluted 10 and 100 fold. Amplification and data analysis were performed with the RotorGene 6000 Software.Quantification standards and normalization of parasites in tissues. Specific external standards were constructed for bothtarget genes of interest by cloning the fragment in a plasmid. The Cryptosporidium and tissue standard curves were then generated from six serial dilutions of plasmid DNA with known amounts of input copy numbers in each reaction. Linear regression of the standards dilution series and calculation of the corresponding R2 values were performed using the Rotor-gene software. Accuracy of absolute quantification relies on the assumption that DNAAdenocarcinoma Induced by Low Doses of C. parvumamplification efficiencies are similar between the standard and the tested samples. To test a possible influence of plasmid DNA in genomic DNA quantification, linearity and efficiency of both qPCR assays were also evaluated with both genomic Cryptosporidium and murine DNA. The number of Cryptosporidium genome and murine beta-actin gene copies in amplification reactions were automatically calculated by the software with reference to the external plasmidic standard curves. For Lixisenatide accurate comparison of parasite infection in tissue samples, the amount of total host DNA in each sample was normalized 12926553 by TaqMan qPCR of the murine beta-actin gene. Quantitative parasite burden data was therefore expressed as the ratio of the Cryptosporidium genome number over the mouse genome number for each sample. However, for easiest comparison between samples, variations in sample load were corrected by normalization of the Cryptosporidium genome copies to 106 beta-actin copies.Statistical analysisFisher’s exact test (two-tailed) was used to analyze infectivity (comparing groups infected with doses inferior to 10 or superior to 10 oocysts).Positioned inside a specific 452 bp sequence (GenBank accession number AF188110)present in a single copy in the genome. The forward and reverse primers amplified a 138 bp fragment. The fluorescent TaqMan probe was labelled at the 59 end with 6-carboxy-fluorescine (FAM) reporter dye and at the 39 end with the black hole quencher 1 dye (BHQ-1). For the mouse Taqman assay, the target was the betaactin gene (GenBank accession number AC144818), a single-copynumber housekeeping gene. The forward (59-AGGCCAACCGTGAAAAGATG-39) and reverse (59-CTGAGAAGCTGGCCAAAGAGA-39) primers were designed to amplify a 68-pb fragment. The fluorescent TaqMan probe (59-CCCAGGTCAGTATCCCGGGTAACCC-39) was labelled at the 59 end with hexachloro-6-carboxy-fluorescein (HEX) reporter dye and at the 39 end with the BHQ-1 quencher dye. Each amplification was performed in a 25-ml reaction mixture that contained 16 iQTM Supermix (Bio-Rad, France), 400 nM of each Cryptosporidium primer or 200 nM of each actin primer, 100 nM of the Cryptosporidium probe or 50 nM of the beta-actin probe and 5 ml of DNA sample. 15481974 The qPCR reactions were performed on a Rotor-Gene 6000 instrument (Corbett Research, Qiagen, France) and included an initial denaturation at 95uC for 15 min followed by 49 cycles of denaturation at 95uC during 15 s and annealing/extension at 60uC during 1 min. Fluorescence acquisition was done immediately following each annealing/ extension step. All samples were measured in triplicate in each assay and negative controls without template were included in each PCR run. In order to circumvent the effect of PCR inhibitors, each DNA extract was tested pure or diluted 10 and 100 fold. Amplification and data analysis were performed with the RotorGene 6000 Software.Quantification standards and normalization of parasites in tissues. Specific external standards were constructed for bothtarget genes of interest by cloning the fragment in a plasmid. The Cryptosporidium and tissue standard curves were then generated from six serial dilutions of plasmid DNA with known amounts of input copy numbers in each reaction. Linear regression of the standards dilution series and calculation of the corresponding R2 values were performed using the Rotor-gene software. Accuracy of absolute quantification relies on the assumption that DNAAdenocarcinoma Induced by Low Doses of C. parvumamplification efficiencies are similar between the standard and the tested samples. To test a possible influence of plasmid DNA in genomic DNA quantification, linearity and efficiency of both qPCR assays were also evaluated with both genomic Cryptosporidium and murine DNA. The number of Cryptosporidium genome and murine beta-actin gene copies in amplification reactions were automatically calculated by the software with reference to the external plasmidic standard curves. For accurate comparison of parasite infection in tissue samples, the amount of total host DNA in each sample was normalized 12926553 by TaqMan qPCR of the murine beta-actin gene. Quantitative parasite burden data was therefore expressed as the ratio of the Cryptosporidium genome number over the mouse genome number for each sample. However, for easiest comparison between samples, variations in sample load were corrected by normalization of the Cryptosporidium genome copies to 106 beta-actin copies.Statistical analysisFisher’s exact test (two-tailed) was used to analyze infectivity (comparing groups infected with doses inferior to 10 or superior to 10 oocysts).