Plementation. The persons in the lower ranking half may have either i) one or the other restriction in their response to vitamin D or ii) a superefficient response to vitamin D, so that they are already saturated with lower levels of circulating vitamin D. The genetic basis for baseline 25(OH)D3 concentrations are SNPs in genes encoding for vitamin D metabolizing enzymes, such as CYP2R1 and CYP24A1, in the vitamin D-binding protein (encoded by the gene GC) and in the VDR gene [46,47]. Moreover, the overall efficiency of vitamin D signaling is very likely based on a number 10457188 of so far largely non-characterized polymorphisms in genomic VDR binding sites [20]. Further studies are needed to stratify individuals as to their susceptibility to vitamin D deficiency. In such studies the individual’s response to vitamin 16574785 D3 supplementation will be correlated with his/her genomic profile of VDR binding sites. In a very recent report the gene Pentagastrin expression patterns of eight healthy adults were followed, which had been supplemented daily with either 10 or 40 mg vitamin D3 in the Boston area (42 uN) for 2 months during winter time [23]. It describes close to 300 genes to be more than 1.5-fold changed in expression and the genes CD83, TNFAIP3, KLF10 and SBDS were selected as most representative markers. We found that only the KLF10 gene shows in colon cancer cells a genomic VDR binding site, i.e. there is not much evidence that these four markers genes are primary VDR targets with a global expression profile as MedChemExpress SMER-28 reported here for CD14 and THBD. Therefore, the expression changes of the four described genes probably cannot be used for a similar type of categorization as performed in this study with CD14 and THBD. In conclusion, we suggest that the genes CD14 and THBD are suitable biomarkers for displaying the transcriptomic response of human tissues to vitamin D3 supplementation. However, only half of all investigated persons seem to respond in a way that we expected based on principles of vitamin D gene regulation to changes in their serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations, granting that from the response of their CD14 and THBD mRNA expressions straightforward conclusions on the benefits of a vitamin D3 supplementation can be obtained. This suggests a categorization of the study participants into those that are regular responders to vitamin D and others with an irregular response. The latter persons may have either some variation in their vitamin D signaling, which make more complex investigations necessary, or they simply have a sufficient vitamin D concentration, so that further supplementation is unnecessary.Supporting InformationFile S(PDF)File S(XLSX)CD14 and THBD as Transcriptomic Markers in VitDmetAcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Annikki Konttinen, Pirkko Kanerva, Paivi Turunen, ?Erja Kinnunen, Tuomas Onnukka and Kaija Kettunen for technical assistance, Mieke Verstuyf for discussions and Sami Heikkinen for statistical advice.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: MU TPT JV SV CC. Performed the experiments: SS KP. Analyzed the data: CC SS. Wrote the paper: CC. Responsible for the dietary part of study management and implementation: SV JV. Involved in the study methodology management and implementation: US VdM KP TN.
The 30K family proteins are low molecular weight lipoproteins (LP) that are expressed in hemolymph of the silkworm larvae. It has been confirmed that the silkworm protein 30Kc6 is one of the members of the 30K family proteins that.Plementation. The persons in the lower ranking half may have either i) one or the other restriction in their response to vitamin D or ii) a superefficient response to vitamin D, so that they are already saturated with lower levels of circulating vitamin D. The genetic basis for baseline 25(OH)D3 concentrations are SNPs in genes encoding for vitamin D metabolizing enzymes, such as CYP2R1 and CYP24A1, in the vitamin D-binding protein (encoded by the gene GC) and in the VDR gene [46,47]. Moreover, the overall efficiency of vitamin D signaling is very likely based on a number 10457188 of so far largely non-characterized polymorphisms in genomic VDR binding sites [20]. Further studies are needed to stratify individuals as to their susceptibility to vitamin D deficiency. In such studies the individual’s response to vitamin 16574785 D3 supplementation will be correlated with his/her genomic profile of VDR binding sites. In a very recent report the gene expression patterns of eight healthy adults were followed, which had been supplemented daily with either 10 or 40 mg vitamin D3 in the Boston area (42 uN) for 2 months during winter time [23]. It describes close to 300 genes to be more than 1.5-fold changed in expression and the genes CD83, TNFAIP3, KLF10 and SBDS were selected as most representative markers. We found that only the KLF10 gene shows in colon cancer cells a genomic VDR binding site, i.e. there is not much evidence that these four markers genes are primary VDR targets with a global expression profile as reported here for CD14 and THBD. Therefore, the expression changes of the four described genes probably cannot be used for a similar type of categorization as performed in this study with CD14 and THBD. In conclusion, we suggest that the genes CD14 and THBD are suitable biomarkers for displaying the transcriptomic response of human tissues to vitamin D3 supplementation. However, only half of all investigated persons seem to respond in a way that we expected based on principles of vitamin D gene regulation to changes in their serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations, granting that from the response of their CD14 and THBD mRNA expressions straightforward conclusions on the benefits of a vitamin D3 supplementation can be obtained. This suggests a categorization of the study participants into those that are regular responders to vitamin D and others with an irregular response. The latter persons may have either some variation in their vitamin D signaling, which make more complex investigations necessary, or they simply have a sufficient vitamin D concentration, so that further supplementation is unnecessary.Supporting InformationFile S(PDF)File S(XLSX)CD14 and THBD as Transcriptomic Markers in VitDmetAcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Annikki Konttinen, Pirkko Kanerva, Paivi Turunen, ?Erja Kinnunen, Tuomas Onnukka and Kaija Kettunen for technical assistance, Mieke Verstuyf for discussions and Sami Heikkinen for statistical advice.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: MU TPT JV SV CC. Performed the experiments: SS KP. Analyzed the data: CC SS. Wrote the paper: CC. Responsible for the dietary part of study management and implementation: SV JV. Involved in the study methodology management and implementation: US VdM KP TN.
The 30K family proteins are low molecular weight lipoproteins (LP) that are expressed in hemolymph of the silkworm larvae. It has been confirmed that the silkworm protein 30Kc6 is one of the members of the 30K family proteins that.